Quantitative method:
The quantitative method offers information of a more objective and apparent nature. Its results may reflect the occurrences of the market, as a whole, or of its segments, according to the sample with which we work. Our processes offer a range of services and a wealth of experience in obtaining clear and objective information.
Public Opinion Research
It is carried out with the entire population or a specific segment. It seeks to find out (collect percentages) about what people know (or imagine they know) and how people see the research topic.
Research at Point of Sale (POS)
Gathers information about the consumer who is visiting the point of sale. Finds out data about the consumer or about the various variables that influence sales at the POS.
Media Research
Find out which newspaper, magazine, radio and TV station best reaches a certain target audience. Which ad placement is best. What are the appropriate times and days. Media research allows you to better rationalise the costs of
communication costs.
Product Testing
In this type of research, the consumer evaluates the "product" to be launched or modified, its advantages and disadvantages compared to the competition or the current product, anticipating the receptivity of the market.
Packaging Test
It is also used for new product launches or to change the packaging of existing products. It can be done in one or more visits. Real packaging, prototypes, photos and even unfinished drawings can be used.
Concept + Product Test
In this case, at first a product description is shown, followed by questions about the description, then the interviewee tries the product and many of the questions asked about the concept are repeated to find out the interviewee's opinion about the product.
Habits and Attitudes (H&A)
Questionnaires containing several questions about consumer habits and/or attitudes towards a certain theme, product or product category.
These are systematically repeated surveys, obeying pre-established intervals, which may be weeks, months, etc. The study is repeated using the same questionnaire and in the same places (cities, neighborhoods and sub-districts), not with the same people, but with the same profile characteristics. The intention is to monitor and detect trends.
Same methodology as the trackings, but always involving the same interviewees.
Used when the product to be tested requires specific preparation conditions. In this case, the interviewee is always invited to go to the place where the products are displayed.
Pre-Test Advertising (Campaign)
Verifies the acceptance and the main ideas of the consumer in relation to the messages of an advertisement that is about to be launched or that is still in the creative process.
Advertising Post-Test (Campaign)
Used to raise the remembrance index, the apprehended messages and other aspects of advertising.
Image Study
Tests and analyses the image of products/brands, services or institutions. Verifies how much and in what way this image interferes in the evaluation for purchase, use of the product or service.